Endtime Originals

  • Messiah Revealed

    Was Jesus the Messiah? Was He GOD?

    The name “Messiah” means “anointed one.” Most Jewish people do not believe Jesus was the Messiah. They are expecting the Messiah to come and bring peace, build their temple and rule from Jerusalem. Muslims view Jesus as a prophet but not as God. Christians bel...

  • The Green Horseman & WWIII

    Many teach the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6) are
    physical creatures that will soon ride throughout the land destroying
    everything in their path. Is this true? No!

    The Green Horseman and World War III corresponds with the following
    questions and more:

    · What are the Four ...

  • The Truth About October 7th (Full Interview)

    EXCLUSIVE: IDF Commander Shares Never Heard Details

    This full interview is only available to subscribers because of its content and what the big tech companies say they will and will not allow. You know, this stuff is “harmful” to viewers...
    📚: Check out Jerusalem Prophecy Colle...

  • Understanding The End Time

    2 seasons

    There were approximately 100 prophecies given before the First Coming of Jesus to the Earth. He fulfilled every single one of those prophecies to the minutest detail. No one should have missed His First Coming — but most people did because they didn’t know the prophecies.

    Today we are living jus...

  • The Antichrist's Socialistic Kingdom

    You’ve heard it said, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Over the last century, socialism/communism ideologies have killed approximately 100 million people. According to Bible prophecy, just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Battle of Armageddon, this ...

  • The Two Witnesses

    Who are the Two Witnesses?

    There are many different opinions on the two witnesses’ identity. Some believe they will be Elijah and Moses, some Elijah and Enoch. Others say they are a symbol of the Jewish/Gentile church.

    This is what the Bible says.

  • Warn The Jews

    When referring to Hitler's horrible Holocaust, the Jewish people say, "Never again!" They declare they will never again march off to concentration camps and gas chambers without resisting to their last breath. However, the Bible prophesies that another Jewish Holocaust lies just a few years ahead...

  • The Future According to Bible Prophecy

    In the Bible, God gave us a timeline of events from the beginning into eternity. As the end approaches, we will witness the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist, the False Prophet, unprecedented revival and more.

    YOU have the ability to pinpoint where we are on this timeline, understan...

  • The 7 Vials

    The 7 Vials covers exactly what will take place as God’s wrath is poured out on the earth, and what you need to know to have peace during this time.

  • America's God-Given Destiny

    The prophecies disclose that the nations of Jordan and Israel will never be controlled by the Antichrist. They also indicate that the U.S. will protect Israel from attack by the Antichrist all during the Great Tribulation. This lets us know that the U.S. will be opposed to the Antichrist during t...

  • When Will the Rapture Happen

    It is the most frequently asked question in Bible prophecy! Everybody wants to know: “When will the rapture take place?” Will it be pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation? Prophecy teacher Irvin Baxter was always taught that the rapture would occur before the Great Tribulation. Howe...

  • First Step to Armageddon

    On December 23, 2016, the United Nations, with the approval of the Obama administration, passed a resolution that will inevitably lead the world into the Battle of Armageddon. It will not happen immediately but it is coming as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Armageddon wil...

  • Master Plan of the Dragon

    One hundred years ago three organizations designed to control our nation were launched in America. This diabolical plan has now succeeded beyond expectations. This lesson discloses what those three organizations are and explains the power they are presently exercising over American society. Who’s...

  • World Government Forming Now

    When we read the prophecies of the Bible, it is so easy to think that they pertain to some other people during another time and another place. It is sometimes difficult to believe that these 2,000-year-old prophecies are talking about this time, our world and about us — now! But this is the case....

  • The Final 7 Years

    The prophecy of the Final 7 Years is one of the few prophecies we have been given with a specific timeline attached to it. The Final 7 Years will begin with a peace agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians. It will end at the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth...

  • To Sabbath or Not to Sabbath?

    The debate has raged for centuries. In the New Testament era, are Christians required to keep the Sabbath? If so, should the Sabbath be observed on Saturday or Sunday? Some people even say that going to church on Sunday is taking the “Mark of the Beast” and that Saturday worship is required for s...

  • Signposts of the Second Coming

    Road signs are posted to tell us how far we are from our destination. The closer we get the more numerous the signs become. “Signposts of the Second Coming” details many events that will occur shortly before the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth. We are now so near the Second Coming that the pr...

  • The Great Tribulation

    Jesus foretold a time of great tribulation that would occur immediately before the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth. He said it would be a time of persecution such as never has been before nor ever again shall be. We are seeing events that are preludes to this time...

  • Another Jewish Holocaust Ahead

    When referring to Hitler's horrible Holocaust, the Jewish people say, "Never again!" They declare they will never again march off to concentration camps and gas chambers without resisting to their last breath. However, the Bible prophesies that another Jewish Holocaust lies just a few years ahead...

  • Isis in Bible Prophecy

    In 1986, Endtime Ministries was born. Its purpose was to prove through the prophecies of the Bible that the end time has now arrived. Thirty years later Endtime is on the radio, television, the Internet and social media–reaching around the world. Endtime magazine miraculously began in 1991 and ha...

  • This Generation Shall not Pass

    Jesus prophesied that two specific things would occur right before His second coming. He then said that the generation that witnessed these two things would not pass until the second coming actually took place. In this lesson, we disclose what the two things are that will happen and prove that th...

  • Seeds of Armageddon

    The seeds of the Battle of Armageddon were sown on November 29, 2012. The seeds sown on that historic day are in the process of producing a dreadful harvest. The Bible actually describes the “Harvest of Armageddon”. Many events will occur between the sowing of Armageddon and the time of its harve...