True vs False Christianity
Irvin Baxter
Jesus' disciples asked Him what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age. Jesus replied that in the end time, many would come "in His name" and would deceive many. Jesus warned that the name over the door would be Christianity, but the business inside would be deception. We live in the time Jesus prophesied about - right now. Most Christian churches today are teaching false Christianity. So, how can we tell the difference between "True Christianity" and "False Christianity"? This lesson will give you the answer to that question - no holds barred. Warning! If you don't love the truth more than you love your tradition, you should not buy this lesson. It will just make you mad!
Up Next in Irvin Baxter
Another Jewish Holocaust Ahead
When referring to Hitler's horrible Holocaust, the Jewish people say, "Never again!" They declare they will never again march off to concentration camps and gas chambers without resisting to their last breath. However, the Bible prophesies that another Jewish Holocaust lies just a few years ahead...
Jews say, "Never Again"
Jews in Israel have a saying, “Never Again”. They mean by this that they will never again walk to gas chambers and concentration camps without resistance, as they did during World War II under Adolf Hitler. I wish the claim “Never Again” were true, but it’s not. The Bible prophesies that another ...
Another Jewish Holocaust Prophesied
Jews around the world like to say concerning Hitler’s holocaust, “never again”. We wish they were right, but they couldn’t be more wrong. The Bible tells us there is another holocaust coming in the times just ahead. We’ll look at the prophecy today.