Irvin Baxter

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  • True vs False Christianity

    Jesus' disciples asked Him what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age. Jesus replied that in the end time, many would come "in His name" and would deceive many. Jesus warned that the name over the door would be Christianity, but the business inside would be deception. We live in ...

  • Another Jewish Holocaust Ahead

    When referring to Hitler's horrible Holocaust, the Jewish people say, "Never again!" They declare they will never again march off to concentration camps and gas chambers without resisting to their last breath. However, the Bible prophesies that another Jewish Holocaust lies just a few years ahead...

  • Jews say, "Never Again"

    Jews in Israel have a saying, “Never Again”. They mean by this that they will never again walk to gas chambers and concentration camps without resistance, as they did during World War II under Adolf Hitler. I wish the claim “Never Again” were true, but it’s not. The Bible prophesies that another ...

  • Another Jewish Holocaust Prophesied

    Jews around the world like to say concerning Hitler’s holocaust, “never again”. We wish they were right, but they couldn’t be more wrong. The Bible tells us there is another holocaust coming in the times just ahead. We’ll look at the prophecy today.

  • Master Plan of the Dragon

    One hundred years ago three organizations designed to control our nation were launched in America. This diabolical plan has now succeeded beyond expectations. This lesson discloses what those three organizations are and explains the power they are presently exercising over American society. Who’s...

  • Will Islam Rule the World

    Muslims believe that they are to spread the message of Allah until Islam rules the entire world. As we watch the dramatic surge of Islam around the world, we’re forced to ask ourselves if Islam really will become an Islamic one-world government. Many are teaching that the Great Tribulation prophe...

  • Seeds of Armageddon

    The seeds of the Battle of Armageddon were sown on November 29, 2012. The seeds sown on that historic day are in the process of producing a dreadful harvest. The Bible actually describes the “Harvest of Armageddon”. Many events will occur between the sowing of Armageddon and the time of its harve...

  • Refuting Preterism 2

  • Refuting Preterism 1

  • You Are Perfect

    Some time ago, my attention was arrested by Hebrews 10:14 - "For by one offering he hath perfected forever them that are sanctified." I immediately attempted to reconcile this statement from God's Word with what I viewed as the many imperfections in myself. Could it be that there are human beings...

  • Signposts of the Second Coming

    Road signs are posted to tell us how far we are from our destination. The closer we get the more numerous the signs become. “Signposts of the Second Coming” details many events that will occur shortly before the Second Coming of Jesus to the earth. We are now so near the Second Coming that the pr...

  • This Generation Shall not Pass

    Jesus prophesied that two specific things would occur right before His second coming. He then said that the generation that witnessed these two things would not pass until the second coming actually took place. In this lesson, we disclose what the two things are that will happen and prove that th...

  • 6/17/20 - This Generation Shall Not Pass Until All Things be Fulfilled

  • Receiving the Holy Ghost

    Jesus said that, after receiving the Holy Ghost, we would receive power. What Christian hasn't felt the need for more of God's power? The Holy Ghost is the secret to power with God! How do we receive the Holy Ghost? How do we know we have received it? Is it a one-time experience, or can it happen...

  • Born Again Three Steps

    Jesus said that a person must be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God. In other words, we must be born again to be saved! Being born again is required to go up in the rapture! Yet most Christians can't explain what it means to be born again. In "Born Again - Three Steps," we teach in a...

  • To Sabbath or Not to Sabbath?

    The debate has raged for centuries. In the New Testament era, are Christians required to keep the Sabbath? If so, should the Sabbath be observed on Saturday or Sunday? Some people even say that going to church on Sunday is taking the “Mark of the Beast” and that Saturday worship is required for s...

  • Understanding the Godhead

    Most Christians have been taught that we just can't understand the Godhead. We are told that it's simply "a mystery". Yet, the questions won't go away. How many deities should we pray to? Should we pray to the Father for a while, the Son for a while, and the Holy Ghost for a while? How many thron...

  • Israel's Third Temple

  • Israel's Future According to Bible Prophecy

    The world is entering the time of more prophetic fulfillment than any other time period in mankind's history. Israel and the city of Jerusalem will be the epicenter of these fulfillments during the years from now until Armageddon. The scriptures tell us that the sons of Issachar were men who had ...

  • Trump Jerusalem Armageddon

    On December 6, 2017, President Trump announced the United States was recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and would be moving its embassy to Jerusalem. This immediately set off a firestorm of negative reaction from the UN, from Europe, from the Arab world, and mostly from the Palestinians. I...

  • The Abraham Accord

    Genesis 15:18 describes the Abrahamic Covenant. God made a covenant with Abraham that the holy land would be a home for his descendants forever. The Bible prophesies the Antichrist will confirm this Abrahamic covenant at the beginning of the seven years leading up to the Battle of Armageddon and ...

  • 666: The Mark of the Beast