An article in the Washington Post called for the impeachment of Donald Trump just 17 minutes after his inauguration. Then came the two-year, $25 million Muller witch-hunt over Russian collusion. The verdict? No collusion. Now the Democrat controlled house voted to impeach him on charges of obstructing Congress. What is really behind all of this? We'll explain on today’s edition of End of the Age.
Up Next in 2020
Open Line 366
World Government, Religious Freedom in the United States, an Israel-Palestinian peace agreement all in the news this week. We will provide updates and discuss the prophetic significance of these events, while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age!
Precursors to the Mark of the Beast
Climate Change in school, World Religion, World Government and precursors to the Mark of the Beast, all in the news today. We will discuss the prophetic significance of these events, and much more on this edition of End of the Age!
Is China Still the Rightful Owner of ...
The communists took over China in 1949. The leader of China, Chiang Kai Shek, fled to Formosa and established Free China, which also became known as Taiwan. China still claims to be the rightful owner of Taiwan even though she has not ruled China for over 120 years. China says Taiwan must unite w...