The Endtime Show

The Endtime Show

7 Seasons

The Endtime Show is LIVE weekdays at 3:00 PM CST.

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The Endtime Show
  • 01/05/2021 - Analyzing the Importance of the Name of Jesus

    We are living in a time when people want to refer to God, but not Jesus, because they do not want to offend. Jesus prophesied it would be like this. We will analyze the importance of the name of Jesus, among other things on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • 01/04/2021 - WWIII: Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist

  • 1/01/2021 - Who is the Antichrist? (Encore)

    The Bible prophesies a leader will arise in the end time who will gain control over most of the world. This leader is referred to in scripture as the beast or the Antichrist. We don’t yet know who this man is, but we do know the area of the world from which he will come. We’ll tell you where the ...

  • 12/31/2020 - Will You Make the Rapture? (Encore)

    Will you go up in the rapture? This is the most important question in every one of our lives! The success of every life turns on this one event. If your feet leave the ground when the rapture occurs, your life was a smashing success. If your feet don’t leave the ground, you were a miserable and t...

  • 12/30/20 - What Does the Future Hold?

    The question on everyone’s mind is, “What does the future hold?” Thankfully the Bible has the answers. Join me for another exciting edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/29/20 - Is the Rapture the Same Day as the Second Coming?

    Time, Times and the Dividing of Time. The Rapture and Second Coming occur all in one day? World Government. Mark of the Beast. An Israeli Earthquake of biblical proportions. And Senator Ted Cruz working to keep the U.S. out of the World Government.

  • 12/28/20 - Great Tribulation Precursors

    Brexit Update, World Government, Middle East Peace, The Deep State, International Community Anti-Semitism—Precursors to the Great Tribulation and a future Holocaust and the Mark of the Beast, all in the news today. Join me for another edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/25/2020 - The Birth of Jesus Christ (Encore)

    The air is filled with music about the coming of Jesus to the earth 2,000 years ago. Why was His coming such a big event? Why did the coming of a humble carpenter start the largest religious movement on earth today? Do you understand the real significance of the birth of Jesus Christ?

  • 12/24/2020 - Promise of the First and Second Coming of Jesus (Encore)

    In the scriptures, there are promises given about the First and the Second Coming of the Messiah. We’ll talk about both comings on today’s edition of End of the Age.

  • 12/23/2020 - Christmas, and the Birth of Jesus

    What does Christmas, and the birth of Jesus, have to do with Bible prophecy? Revelation 19:10 states, “…for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” We will discuss Jesus, from a prophetic perspective, on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/22/2020 - The Abraham Accords and the Temple Mount

    The Abraham Accords and the Temple Mount. A union of Politics and religion… And The Eagle protects Israel… All in the news today. We will analyze the prophetic significance of the events on this edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/21/2020 - Islam in Bible Prophecy

    Since 2001, the West has tried to explain, understand, and dissect the belief system of Islam and certain extremist views. From foreign policy to universal theology, Islam is hidden in Bible prophecy. We will analyze this prophecy on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/18/2020 - Open Line 409

    Precursors to the time when the Antichrist will rule the world government and administer the Mark of the Beast. It just might make you a little more thankful to live in America. We’ll discuss these events and much more, while answering your questions on this edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/17/2020 - Israel Elections & Israel/Palestinian Peace Interim Agreement

    Israel Elections, Israel/Palestinian Peace Interim Agreement and potential precursors to the Abomination of Desolation—all in the news today. We will analyze these events on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/16/2020 - Censorship

    Throughout history, dictators have sought to silence all opposition to their ideologies, and it will be no different during the reign of the Antichrist. Today it is called censorship. Join me for another edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/15/2020 - Keys to Sustainable Peace in the Middle East

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stated, “We know that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains key to sustainable peace in the Middle East.” I will provide Middle East updates, and explain how we know the prophesied peace agreement, which starts the Final Seven Years, must be ...

  • 12/14/2020 - Exposing the New World Order

    We hear the term “New World Order” Liberal International Order, Deep State and even the Establishment more now than ever. What is the “New World Order? We will expose this geo-political movement to form a one world government, and how it will affect you.

  • 12/11/20 - Open Line 408

  • 12/10/2020 - The Great Reset Cloaked in a Religious Garment

    What does the World Economic Forum, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and now the Vatican have in common? Think of it like the Great Reset cloaked in a Religious garment. We’ll analyze the prophetic aspects of these events on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/09/2020 - We are Never Without Hope!

    US Elections, YouTube Censorship, Transgenders in Girls Locker Rooms, World Government and more in the headlines today. Regardless of the situation, we are never without hope! Join me for another rapid-fire prophecy update on this edition of end of the Age!

  • 12/08/2020 - Why Israel Dominates the Headlines

    The majority of end time prophecy is centered around one nation—Israel. Since we are living in the end time, it’s easy to see why Israel dominates the headlines on a daily basis. We will analyze Israel, from a prophetic perspective, on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/07/2020 - The United States and Other Modern Nations in the Bible

    The United States of America was prophesied by God two thousand five hundred years ago. These scriptures reveals we are in the end time and I will explain this prophecy on this edition of End of the Age!

  • 12/04/2020 - Open Line 407

    The Iranian nuclear threat, World War, Mark of the Beast, Peace in the Middle East and a host of other prophecy related topics in the news today! We will analyze these events and much more, whle taking your call on this open line edition of End of the Age?

  • 12/03/2020 - A Major Deceptions Used to Create the New World Order

    Satan, who is the master deceiver, is the mastermind behind the establishment of the prophesied end time world government. We will expose one of the major deceptions being used to create this New World Order on today’s edition of End of the Age!