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8/12/2020 - Are Jews Living in Israel Really Descendants of the Jews of ...

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The Endtime Show

8/13/2020 - Not the One, But a Step in the Right Direction


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  • 8/12/2020 - Are Jews Living in Israel...

    There are many people who claim the Jews living in modern-day Israel are not really Jews, but imposters. However, the prophecies of the Bible foretell the rebirth of Israel at this particular time.

  • 8/11/2020 - Antifa in Bible Prophecy

    Most of us are vaguely familiar with the group called Antifa. But do you know what they are trying to accomplish? They have a goal, and it is very prophetic in nature.

  • 8/10/2020 - The Solution to America a...

    The internet, television, radio and newspapers are good at reporting on the problems in our society. But very few offer any solutions.