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11/23/2020 - The Sixth Trumpet War and Israeli/Palestinian Peace Agreement

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The Endtime Show

11/24/2020 - The Advocacy of the Prophesied Global Socialist Belief System


Up Next in 2020

  • 11/23/2020 - The Sixth Trumpet War an...

    The prophesied Sixth Trumpet War and an Israeli/Palestinian peace agreement, all in the news today. We will provide a prophetic analysis, for these events, on today’s edition of End of the Age! 

  • 11/20/2020 - Open Line 406

    The attitude of the Antichrist’s kingdom towards Israel and the prophesied peace agreement that will mark the beginning of the Final Seven Years. We will discuss these topics and much more, while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age!

  • 11/19/2020 - Bible Prophecy Questions...

    WWIII, the four living creatures in Revelation, the Kingdom of God, the marriage supper of the lamb, the Mark of the Beast and much more. Over the years, we have had thousands of questions concerning not only bible prophecy, but many topics in the Bible. I will answer many of those questions on t...