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10/16/20 - Open Line 401

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The Endtime Show

10/19/20 - Evidence We are Living in the End Time


Up Next in 2020

  • 10/16/20 - Open Line 401

    Jesus Christ will soon return to this earth. Are you prepared to meet the Lord when He returns? We will discuss the Second Coming of Jesus, while taking your calls on this open-line edition of End of the Age!

  • 10/15/2020 - The End Time World Gover...

    Today, Pope Francis launched the Global Compact on Education. It is an effort to establish a global mindset for the next generation. We will discuss the prophetic implications of this event on this edition of End of the Age!

  • 10/14/2020 - Who Was Jesus?

    Jesus changed the world more than any man who ever lived. Yet, most people know very little about Him. Who was Jesus and why is the religion He founded the most widely followed on earth today?