World Government, World Religion and Donald Trump—A modern-day King Cyrus… We will discuss these and other topics, while taking your question, on today’s open-line edition of End of the Age! We dedicate today’s entire show to answering your questions and recapping this week’s most important news headlines pertaining to Bible prophecy.
Up Next in 2019
Another Jewish Holocaust Prophesied
Jews around the world like to say concerning Hitler’s holocaust, “never again”. We wish they were right, but they couldn’t be more wrong. The Bible tells us there is another holocaust coming in the times just ahead. We’ll look at the prophecy today.
Paris Climate Accord and Population C...
President Donald Trump and the Paris Climate Accord, Population Control and Pope Francis lends a helping hand. We will discuss the prophetic significance of these topics on today’s edition of End of the Age!
Judeo-Christian Origin vs Toxic Chris...
Attorney General Bill Barr recently gave a speech about the United States Judeo-Christian origin, which has now been labelled, by some, as “toxic Christian nationalism". We will review the speech and discuss it’s prophetic significance on today’s edition of End of the Age!