The Endtime Show

The Endtime Show

7 Seasons

The Endtime Show is LIVE weekdays at 3:00 PM CST.

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The Endtime Show
  • Perilous Times Ahead

    Episode 1

    Prophecies foretell perilous times ahead. During this time there are some things you should be involved in and others you should avoid at all cost. We will discuss some end time Dos and Don’ts on this edition of End of the Age!

  • Open Line 358

    Episode 2

    World Government, World Religion and Donald Trump—A modern-day King Cyrus… We will discuss these and other topics, while taking your question, on today’s open-line edition of End of the Age! We dedicate today’s entire show to answering your questions and recapping this week’s most important news ...

  • Another Jewish Holocaust Prophesied

    Episode 3

    Jews around the world like to say concerning Hitler’s holocaust, “never again”. We wish they were right, but they couldn’t be more wrong. The Bible tells us there is another holocaust coming in the times just ahead. We’ll look at the prophecy today.

  • Paris Climate Accord and Population Control

    Episode 4

    President Donald Trump and the Paris Climate Accord, Population Control and Pope Francis lends a helping hand. We will discuss the prophetic significance of these topics on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • Judeo-Christian Origin vs Toxic Christian Nationalism

    Episode 5

    Attorney General Bill Barr recently gave a speech about the United States Judeo-Christian origin, which has now been labelled, by some, as “toxic Christian nationalism". We will review the speech and discuss it’s prophetic significance on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • 30 Years Ago the Berlin Wall Fell

    Episode 6

    Thirty years ago, the hated Berlin Wall came crashing down. This marked the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the New World Order. Even as the world rejoiced, very few knew this world-changing event was prophesied in the Bible 2,000 years before. We’ll learn where the fall of the Berlin Wa...

  • Open Line 359

    Episode 7

    Benny Gantz and his Blue and White Party only have 13 days left to establish a government in Israel. So far, it doesn’t look promising. However, don’t count Benjamin Netanyahu out yet. A development happened today that indicates Netanyahu may still have something up his sleeve. We’ll tell you abo...

  • Is War with Iran Inevitable?

    Episode 8

    America is continuing to impose critical, economic sanctions against Iran. Iran is retaliating by increasing it’s level of uranium enrichment as it moves closer to producing a nuclear bomb. The US has said it would go to war before it would allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons. Is war with Iran i...

  • Is Iran Positioning Itself for a Rapid Nuclear Breakout?

    Episode 9

    Both Israel and the United States have vowed that Iran will never be allowed to possess nuclear weapons. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo believes Iran is positioning itself for a rapid nuclear breakout. If America or Israel should attack Iran, would it result in World War III? Stay tuned for th...

  • The 6th Trumpet Could Sound Anytime

    Episode 10

    Many folks teach the seven trumpets mentioned in the book of revelation have to occur during the final seven years. On today’s edition of End of the Age, I will prove the first five trumpets have already taken place and the sixth trumpet could begin at any time.

  • Live from Jerusalem Prophecy College

    Episode 11

    Join us for live Q&A session with Irvin Baxter and our Endtime prophecy tour group from our Jerusalem Prophecy College in Israel on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • Open Line 360

    Episode 12

    We dedicate today’s entire show to answering your questions and recapping this week’s most important news headlines pertaining to Bible prophecy.

  • U.S. Says Israeli Settlements NOT Illegal

    Episode 13

    While Israel struggles to put together a new government, the United States has announced that Israeli settlements are not illegal. How will this new historic development affect the unveiling of President Trump’s peace plan?

  • Is Israel the Fig Tree in Matthew 24?

    Episode 14

    Many have taught the fig tree in Matthew 24 is Israel. Since Israel was born in 1948, then within that generation Jesus has to return. We will discuss the accuracy of this teaching on today’s edition of End of the Age.

  • Gantz Gives up on Forming Government in Israel

    Episode 15

    Benny Gantz of the Blue and White Party in Israel has given up on attempting to from a government. This means that Israel will enter an unprecedented 21-day period when anyone who can get 61 signatures from the Israeli Knesset, can become prime minister. It’s anybody’s guess as to what will happen.

  • The Origin of the Antichrist

    Episode 16

    Some are teaching the Antichrist will come from a Middle Eastern country and others believe he will hail from the United States. On today’s edition of End of the Age, I will provide scriptural proof for the origin of the Antichrist.

  • When will the Rapture Happen?

    Episode 17

    We believe the Bible teaches the rapture will occur immediately after the great tribulation. On today’s edition of End of the Age, I will answer some of the objections to that teaching.

  • Trump and Israel…The Past Three Years

    Episode 18

    Who could have believed three years ago that the Trump administration would have recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, moved the US embassy there, recognized Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights, and declared that West Bank settlements are not necessarily illegal…all in just three years? ...

  • What is International Law?

    Episode 19

    Senator Bernie Sanders recently stated that regarding West Bank settlements as legal is a violation of international law. Exactly what is international law? Is this actually world government? We'll talk about on today’s edition of End of the Age.

  • Jews say, “NEVER AGAIN”

    Episode 20

    Jews in Israel have a saying, “Never Again”. They mean by this that they will never again walk to gas chambers and concentration camps without resistance, as they did during World War II under Adolf Hitler. I wish the claim “Never Again” were true, but it’s not. The Bible prophesies that another ...

  • Endtime Ministries is Victim of the Fake News

    Episode 21

    Endtime Ministries has been the victim of the fake news. has twisted our words to discredit the importance of our message. We'll tell you all about it on today’s edition of End of the Age.

  • Ongoing Prophetic Fulfillments of 2019

    Episode 22

    Throughout 2019, many ongoing prophetic fulfillments, providing substantial evidence we are living in the end time. We will look back at many of those events on today’s edition of End of the Age!

  • Breakthroughs During Political Chaos in Israel

    Episode 23

    In the middle of all the political chaos in Israel, it appears there is significant breakthroughs in the offing. Israel may be on the verge of signing a 5-year ceasefire with Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. It appears the Palestinian Authority may be involved with the deal as well. Stay tuned for th...

  • How to Know the Final Peace Agreement

    Episode 24

    The Trump administration is ready to present it’s peace initiative, “The Deal of the Century” as soon as Israel forms a government. How will we know if this is the prophesied agreement that starts the Final Seven years? I will answer this question as we analyze the many characteristics of that ag...