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The Endtime Show

10/11/2024 - How Soon Will the Rapture Happen?



  • 10/10/2024 - Why We Support Israel

    4 months ago

    Israel is not only fighting a seven front war with Iran and its terrorist proxies, but against the United Nations anti-Israel bias, International Court systems and rising Antisemitism globally. It’s Israel against the world. To support Israel is to be in the minority. But it doesn’t matter to me....

  • 10/09/2024 - Why Freedom of Speech is...

    4 months ago

    The UN’s newly adopted Pact for the Future will Address the risks to sustaining peace posed by disinformation, misinformation, hate speech and content inciting harm… They see freedom of speech as a hindrance to realizing their global governing dream. We will discuss the prophesied implications of...

  • 10/08/2024 - Four Things Necessary fo...

    4 months ago

    Once Peter preached the New Testament plan of salvation in Acts 2, thousands were saved and then had to learn how to be Christians. Four things are absolutely necessary for a spiritual life and yet, most people don’t understand them. We’ll discuss doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and praye...