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07/21/2023 - The Most Terrifying of Villains | Open Line Friday

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The Endtime Show

07/24/2023 - The Prophetic Countdown

1h 1m

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  • 07/21/2023 - The Most Terrifying of V...

    Israeli President Isaac Herzog's Prophetic Address to Congress, US sending more Navy ships and Marines to Middle East over Iranian threats and Pushers of Central Bank Digital Currencies Are the Most Terrifying of Villains. We will discuss these and many other headlines on this open-line edition ...

  • 07/19/2023 - The Mountain with GOD’s ...

    The most disputed 35 acres of land in the entire world is in the heart of Jerusalem. The most Holy site to the Jewish people and the third holiest site to the Muslim community. UNESCO, Islam, and others claim Israel has no rights there, but GOD said over 37 times, “I shall put my name there.” Joi...

  • 07/19/2023 - Let’s Define the Rapture

    Most teach the rapture will occur prior to the great tribulation. We will define the rapture, the great tribulation and respond to some of the objections for a post-tribulation rapture on this edition of The End Time Show.

    Watch The Endtime Show LIVE weekdays at 3:00 PM CST.
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