Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi killed yesterday. The International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. The global stage is being set for not only WWIII, but the great tribulation, and the battle of Armageddon as well. We’ll analyze these events and much more on this edition of the Endtime Show!
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1:01:209 months ago
05/17/2024 - Will the US Dollar go Di...
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May 14th, Israel celebrated 76 years of Independence—one of the five greatest fulfillments of Bible prophecy since the first coming of Jesus. Will the US dollar become a digital currency? All the pieces are being knit together for a true world government. We will analyze these events and much mor...
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05/16/2024 - My husband cheated on me...
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Yesterday you heard Tom's testimony, today we're going to get the real story. His wife is joining Doug and I to figure out what happened through their journey. Her testimony will provide peace, hope and encouragement to many of you out there. You don't want to miss today's show!
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1:01:129 months ago
05/15/2024 - As Long as There's Breat...
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Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…” This is how we overcome Satan! A testimony is a powerful way to build faith and provide hope that there is a way out of any situation. We hope to do just that on this edition of the Endtime Sho...