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09/21/2023 - LIVE from Indy Dr. Eugene Wilson, Terry Shock, Dr. Robert ...

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The Endtime Show

09/25/2023 - Chaotic, but Prophetic Times

1h 1m

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  • 09/21/2023 - LIVE from Indy Dr. Euge...

    The UN is attempting to strip Israel of its Biblical heritage.
    We are doing the show LIVE from the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana.
    Today’s going to be a little bit different as we have a variety of guests and discuss topics ranging from Bible prophecy to end time Christianity....

  • 09/22/2023 - Is God Finished With Ame...

    God has always had a plan for America and He is not finished with us yet. On today’s program, I am going to reveal that end time prophesied assignment and answer these questions: 1) Why has God chosen America for this role? and 2) How will America accomplish this task considering her current traj...

  • 09/20/2023 - The Biblical Characteris...

    The Bible clearly provides the characteristics of an Israeli peace agreement, foretold by Daniel to start the final seven years prior to the Second Coming of Jesus and the Battle of Armageddon. There are several peace initiatives in the works…Are they the one? We analyze this question on today’s ...